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nordugrid / arc
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GitLab Pages instant builds:
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Configuration files, scripts, and notes for uniform software deployment via EasyBuild
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Florido Paganelli / arc
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Archived 0Updated
Lars Thomas Hansen / arc
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Nagios plugins to check NorduGrid ARC compute elements.
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midascpp / midascpp
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyMidas Molecular Interactions Dynamics And Simulation
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Archived 0Updated
Archived 0Updated
Oxana Smirnova / arc-old
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Balazs / old_arc
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Repo that holds a copy (maybe not up to date) of the maintained https://github.uio.no/IT-ITF/grid-team-testsite-configuration which stores scripts to configure ARC test sites.
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Dmytro Karpenko / arc
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SG3133 Engineering for a sustainable society course
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