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nordugrid / arc
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GitLab Pages instant builds:
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Nordic Language Processing Laboratory / outreach
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMaterials for Community Formation and Outreach
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Configuration files, scripts, and notes for uniform software deployment via EasyBuild
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Florido Paganelli / arc
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A* pathfinding algorithm. My logic is at the bottom of the AStar.py, starting from line 268. Other files are just supporting files and graphics created with the pygame package. To try various map sizes you can choose to comment in and out text-files from 350 to 357 in AStar.py. Make sure to also comment in the corresponding readlimitations as shown if you try various map sizes.
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Andrej Filipcic / arc
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Oxana Smirnova / arc
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Flo Luk / 6 faces dice leaderboard
MIT LicenseUpdated