infosys/glue2 block required - but validator does not complain
This I think we have discussed earlier, and as far as I remember it was tricky with block dependencies, but I find it is not nice that the validator says all-is-ok, and arex starts, but since the infosys/glue2 block is required the infosys does not start, and you get problems submitting jobs.
This is setting up arc on a test-system with the test-ca but not using the zero-conf. And of course in the zero-conf the block is present, so the problem would not occur. But if you start from an arc.conf that you are updating, and you do not have this block, the situation can occur.
Is there a way to give a warning or error in the validator that the block is missing?
[root@5645e99b96cb /]# tail -n 100 /arc/arc-logs/infoprovider.log
[2019-02-11 13:27:32] [ConfigCentral] [ERROR] [1080] Infoproviders cannot continue without the [infosys/glue2] block. Please add it. Exiting...
[2019-02-11 13:38:41] [ConfigCentral] [ERROR] [1617] Infoproviders cannot continue without the [infosys/glue2] block. Please add it. Exiting...
[2019-02-11 13:39:43] [ConfigCentral] [ERROR] [1696] Infoproviders cannot continue without the [infosys/glue2] block. Please add it. Exiting...
[2019-02-11 13:40:49] [ConfigCentral] [ERROR] [2083] Infoproviders cannot continue without the [infosys/glue2] block. Please add it. Exiting...
[2019-02-11 13:41:50] [ConfigCentral] [ERROR] [2185] Infoproviders cannot continue without the [infosys/glue2] block. Please add it. Exiting...
[2019-02-11 13:42:51] [ConfigCentral] [ERROR] [2239] Infoproviders cannot continue without the [infosys/glue2] block. Please add it. Exiting...
[2019-02-11 13:43:53] [ConfigCentral] [ERROR] [2334] Infoproviders cannot continue without the [infosys/glue2] block. Please add it. Exiting...
[root@5645e99b96cb /]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/arc-arex validate
[2019-02-11 13:45:34] [Arc.validator] [WARNING] Could not find location of 'ntpdate'.
[2019-02-11 13:45:34] [Arc.validator] [WARNING] /arc/runtime: directory (runtimedir) does not exist
[2019-02-11 13:45:34] [Arc.validator] [WARNING] [arex] logfile: /arc/arc-logs/arex.log is not in the default location (/var/log/arc/arex.log). Logrotation will not work, check your system logrotation configuration files
[2019-02-11 13:45:34] [Arc.validator] [WARNING] cachedir: not existing at '/arc/cache'
[2019-02-11 13:45:34] [Arc.validator] [WARNING] [infosys] logfile: /arc/arc-logs/infoprovider.log is not in the default location (/var/log/arc/). Logrotation will not work, check your system logrotation configuration files
[2019-02-11 13:45:34] [Arc.validator] [WARNING] The entry of the full hostname ($HOSTNAME) is better
equal to `hostname -f` (5645e99b96cb).
Also test reverse lookup of the hostname.
[2019-02-11 13:45:35] [Arc.validator] Found no apparent failures.
[2019-02-11 13:45:35] [Arc.validator] Found 6 non-critical issues.