22 tore
Created by: torebjerkan530599
Camera follows the individual network player
- PlayerBehaviour.cs : movement vector is normalized
- PlayerBehaviour.cs : get's a reference to the MainCamera when prefab is spawned on the network.
- Camera starts to follow when edge of the square is reached by the avatar
- Free movement within a small square in center of the screen
- Temporary simple shapes in the hierarchy to have a reference for cameramovment (we can't tell if the camera is moving because there's no point of reference. The background is just a single color)
- PlayerBehaviour.cs : previous public fields are now private if it is not strictly neccessary that they are public.
- SmallUnitHealth.cs : Same as above
- If fields needs to be exposed to the Inspector, they have been marked with [SerializeField]
- Jittery movment when the player is moving in -y direction/south. It is not a problem if camera is set to follow at all times.
- Swapping the code in LateUpdate() in PlayerBehaviour.cs with
if (IsLocalPlayer)
Vector3 pos = transform.position;
pos.z = -10;
mainCamera.transform.position = pos;
fixes the problem, but now there is no square with freedom of movement. Camera will now follow all the time.