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the docker implementation has no more errors on loading with supervisord and logs in the user when using the container.

Miffan20 requested to merge docker-middleware-feature into main

added wait-for-it to wait for mysql server to run and not just start. fixed issues for all other than migration. tried change expected exit status both by using exitcodes=0 and added a .sh script, none of it fixed the issue. so bundled serve and migration to a .sh script, that did the trick.

Added user=root as it already run there.

removed unnessesary things from supervisord.config and removed sleep features for commands.

Added custom seeders which only runs on when using the .env.docker environment file and a custom middleware which logs in the specific seeded user on start.

modified dockerfile to not copy the .env-file and the dockerfile now also changes the ENV_APP to the .env.docker

Merge request reports