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Scan slurm job improvements (BUGZ-3966)

nordugrid-arc-bot requested to merge scan-SLURM-job-improvements2 into next

Begin arcbot message
This merge request is automatically copied from !1224 (merged) orginally made by @maikenp
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- Parts of the in-code documentation is improved, and follows more the condor backend example.

  • The function handle_exitcode had an almost duplicate function handle_exitcode_cancelled. As the state is already established when calling handle_exitcode and stored as part of the message in the reason variable, there is no need for a separate function to handle that case, a simple if-test in handle_exitcode will do.
  • The slurm query retry mechanism from !1211 (merged) is now configurable with a new option in the lrms block: slurm_query_retries. The default value is 0.

Merge request reports