add handling of hex escapes to signing_policy subject names
Certificate of has non-ASCII characters in its DN. www-cern-ch.pem
In order to allow accessing CERN web-sites when using ARC in 'grid' mode, a signing_policy file should be created accordingly. CERN sites all use one wildcard certificate, DN of which should be included in the policy.
Using Globus guidelines, the following signing_policy should work:
# Format:
# token type | def.authority | value
# EACL entry #1|
access_id_CA X509 '/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=Sectigo Limited/CN=Sectigo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA'
pos_rights globus CA:sign
cond_subjects globus '"/C=CH/ST=Gen\xC3\xA8ve/O=CERN Organisation Europ\xC3\xA9enne pour la Recherche Nucl\xC3\xA9aire/"'
# end of EACL
But it does not because ARC does not handle escaped hex characters properly. The fix is provided in this merge request as well as an update to unit tests.