Fix for missing REST interface, some errors in bdii-update, several warnings and code cleanup (Fixes #47)
#47 (closed))
Fix for missing REST interface, some errors in bdii-update, several warnings and code cleanup (FixesDescription
Fix for REST interface GLUE2 ID, objects missing in LDAP, warnings in logs and code cleanup
- Fix for issue #47 (closed):
- REST: the REST interface did not have a proper GLUE2 ID and therefore was not rendered in LDAP.
- Missing objects in LDAP: invalid syntax (21) in bdii logs, mostly related to warnings and undefined values, such as gridftp URL information
- Added support for custom port for webservices in configuration that got lost during cleanup in ARC1ClusterInfo checks
- Adding warning if NorduGRID schema configured but not gridftpd, in such case no NorduGRID/Glue1 ldap generation is performed, but GLUE2 is
- Fixed warnings/inconsistent GLUE2 state when gridftpd/jobs not defined (related to serving or draining state of the interface)
- Changed QualityLevel of EMIES from
- Removed GLUE2 code for rendering interfaces that were never used