Rework infosys startup scripts to be more robust under systemd (BUGZ-3835)
Fixes to accommodate both "custom pidfile in arc.conf" and to ensure correct systemd behavior taking into account double forking with delays in third-party bdii-update (BUGZ-3835):
- Workaround slow bdii-update forking sequence with ExecStartPost checks (like it was in in the scripts before)
- Ensure MAINPID with hardcoded PIDFile location (returned back behavior), BUT:
- Path is only hardcoded in systemd unit itself. This hardcoded path accessible to bash-scripts as environmental variable and used additionally to arc.conf valued.
- If custom PIDFiles are defined in arc.conf, the pidfile in 'hardcoded PIDFile location' will be copied to custom location during ExecStartPost
Edited by Maiken